Mindset Matters 2: Permission To Care For Yourself


Making change is no easy task, no matter how big or small the change you are making is. Taking the pressure off and being gentle with yourself is so important. Letting yourself think things like “oh, it’s already January 11th and I haven’t started”, or “I already messed up”, are not helpful to you in achieving your desired change. Plus, phrases like that are made up! Any day can be your day one, and a “slip-up” is an opportunity to reassess and reset. 

This week, your activity is simple. Nobody knows you better than you, so when the moments get hard, the thoughts to yourself get less than kind, your activity will be to stop, breathe, and make up for that unkindness by doing something kind for yourself. 

Below, you’ll find some ideas of kind things you can do for yourself. 

  1. Go for a short walk, even if it is just to the end of the street and back. Get some fresh air moving through your lungs. 
  2. Care for some plant friends. If you have a garden or home plants, give them some care in the form of water, or wiping their leaves. If you don’t have any plant friends yourself, go and find a tree that you like in a public place and pick up any trash surrounding it. Bring a leaf home with you. 
  3. If you like to cook, cook a nourishing meal. If you don’t find cooking relaxing or enjoyable, give yourself permission to spend the money and order something that you like. 
  4. “Free-Write” about what you’re feeling. Write down and celebrate your small day-to-day wins! 
  5. Refer back to your change activity sheet from last week. Remind yourself of your “why”. 
  6. Take the pressure off! Let yourself have a day to reset and relax. 
  7. Make sure you’re drinking enough water throughout the day. 
  8. If you’re finding your change needs adjusting, THAT’S OKAY. Be kind to yourself, and restart the change setting process without forgetting what you have already discovered. 
  9. Watch a youtube video about a subject you are interested in learning more about that has nothing to do with your change. Give your brain a break. 
  10. Be kind to yourself, listen to yourself and what you need instead of trying to force something that isn’t working for you. 
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